Somewhere beneath the contamination of years of pollution, the moss and weeds, lies an attractive looking block driveway or beautiful coloured patio. One that you where probably once proud of, quality engineered landscaping, an impressive main feature to your home.
So what went wrong, where is it now.
Well it’s still there, only you’ve not had the time or inclination to maintain it over the years or restore it now, back to how it should look.
The BIG question you have now is, do you “Do It Yourself” or “get the professionals in” ?
Can you save money doing it yourself, Yes, without a doubt this is your cheapest option and you will save your money.
But now you have decide this, do you have the right equipment and is it really up to the job that’s awaiting you.
How long is this job going to take you, well depending on that machine you have and the quality of the cleaning products, who can tell, let’s face it you’ve probably not cleaned many driveways and why would you.
Now for the next dilemma, those Stubborn weeds, algae and lichen. you can’t just spray them off so what’s the best way to get rid of them. You will need to re-sand your block driveway some days later, if you get yourself past the previous stages.
Now that you’re ready to sand and the blocks are dry, you may start noticing the bits you’ve missed, or different lance range has created patches that haven’t cleaned evenly, or the spinner has left you with frustrating swirls where you’ve moved too quickly, this is understandable you may have already spent a whole weekend on it and only got halfway.
After all this work you’ll still have the clean down where absolutely everything around you is covered in sandy gritty dirt, and this mess you’ve made will have to be cleaned off by you.
The professional option will cost you more of coarse, but here’s the difference. Our equipment is built for the professional, and when put in the hands of an experienced knowledegable operator it will “get the job done” we will be able to give you an accurate time scale for the job, because we do a lot of this work and we know what’s involved.
As for the weeds, black spots and lichen, yes we can deal with these too, we’ll also offer you sound advice about managing and maintaining the surface after cleaning.
The mess!!, what about the mess!!, a professional should be doing everything possible to minimise mess but the best bit is when we finish we leave no mess. This means you can relax, inspect the work when completed and expect a high quality service from start to finish. Still thinking of DIY ? relax and leave it to the Professional.